Living or Surviving?

Komal Khare
3 min readDec 8, 2021

A very thin line between the two but a vast difference on how we perceive it; the curious bug in me begged me dive into the basics, so I grabbed a dictionary and looked for their respective meanings! What I found was pretty interesting, they did have a slight difference; ‘Survival’ to put simply means to exist, however the word ‘live’ has tons of synonyms and the one I love the most is; Enjoy Being Alive! Both these words are often used interchangeably and perhaps that is the reason we forget to dwell in the essence of their difference.

Photo by NITISH GOSWAMI on Unsplash

Homo Sapiens have gone through ultimate survivals to reach the point where we are at the moment; so yes, survival is hindsight is a damn good thing. This life that we have, is due to our ancestors doing a really good job at existing. Their urge to survive has led to this current time where I sit and write this comfortably. The famous Darwinian “survival of the fittest” showcases how integral it is to know the basics of surviving and that’s what triggers the reason of existence, right!? Yet, sometimes I wonder, are we here to just survive? This life that we have is only to procreate and let our species go on and on? Are we pawns in this game of civilization and have one end goal; long live the sapiens?

The reasons I have all these weird and confusing questions is due to a certain hit I have had about life during the Pandemic. I have always been high…

